Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Health Care Issue

Not to start any political debate, but I have been reading some stuff on the internet about the health care issue, and I don't understand how people believe that health care is not a right. I know that being a diabetic is not the worst of things. There are a lot of people that have it a lot harder than me. If I take care of myself, I can have a normal healthy life- when in other cases no matter what people do, they aren't as fortunate. But it just irritates me to hear people put up such a stink about health care reform and how health care should not be a right. Here's a quote from an article I just read:

" (quoting a representative)"I am committed to working with President Obama to pass comprehensive health care reform. High quality, patient-centered, affordable health care is the right of every American and the time to act on this mandate is now," Polis said.

No, health care is not a right. We have the rights to free speech, to keep and bear arms..."

That's like somebody walking up to me and saying, "No. I'm sorry, you don't get your insulin. Your blood sugar will rise to dangerous heights, then you'll go in a coma, and eventually you'll die. Oh yeah, but you can have a gun instead because bearing arms is a right but living isn't."

I'm not a very politically smart person so I really don't know if the Obama plan is going to work- and I don't completely understand it, but I gotta say, at least someone is trying. At least someone is concerned about this issue.
It scares me that Brian doesn't have insurance and with him being in the artistic world we see people with out insurance all the time. Brian was setting up for a gig at a place that had a lower door frame with a sharp edge. He saw someone carrying in sound equipment walk into it and gash his forehead open. He hit it so hard that he fell back and he was bleeding a lot. The people around had asked him if they could take him to the emergency room or a doctor and he declined because he didn't have health insurance, so he kept on doing his job with a rag to his head.
There is something wrong when people can't go and take care of themselves in an emergency because they are afraid of not affording it. Somebody should do something about this.
I just wanted to record my thoughts.